Gonzalo Frasca, PhD

Hey! I'm Gonzalo.
I'm a designer.
I do learning research & development at Kahoot!
I'm also a speaker, writer and academic.


Frasca often keynotes at industry and academic events.
He has given lectures and exhibited in over 30 countries.
Topics include games & learning, math learning games, political games, game design and game studies.


Currently leading the design of HelloStorm.com
Frasca co-designed DragonBox School, a full curriculum math solution used in Finland, Norway and France.
He has designed games for Cartoon Network, Disney, Pixar, WB.

Game Studies

Gonzalo Frasca is an internationally-renowned game studies scholar.He holds a PhD in game rhetoric from the IT University of Copenhagen.
His focus is on learning games, political games, and play.


Frasca has written 10 children's books that has been published in Spanish, French, Norwegian and Finnish.He's also a former Editor of Science and Technology at CNN en Español.His new book, "Uruguay y las galletitas danesas" was published in 2023.